
We are a one-stop marketplace

that sells non-perishable fresh mouth-watering traditional sweets and pickles from the Villages of East Godavari district , Andhra pradesh. Every food product prepared by our experts with love will surely satisfy your tastebuds. We prepare food with high-quality ingredients and we will deliver food with premium quality packaging in overall India and overseas. Food from AndhraFoodss.COM on your special occasions will definitely make your occasion really special.

AndhraFoodss is the one-stop solution for all the traditional foods you need from both the Godavari districts. In the past, Dr Sir Arthur Cotton was mesmerised by the love and care of people from Godavari districts. Andhra Foodss makes a wide range of popular traditional food items like Gavvalu , Janthikalu , Putharekulu , pure Pala Kova , Nethi Arisselu , Pongadalu , Thapeswaram Kaja , Kakinada Gottam Kaja , Karapu Boondhi from pure ingredients. Andhra Foodss deliver to every corner of the world. Andhra Foodss aims to deliver the traditional foods with delicacy. Contact Andhra Foodss to get traditional foods from Godavari districts on your special days like festivals and weddings to make them a really special one. Andhra Foods is the only way to taste the purest form of traditional foods. Give a COMPLETE touch to your special occasion with traditional and authentic foods from Andhra Foods.